Change in impound policy

The Los Angeles Police Commission’s decision to amend the impound policy for unlicensed drivers is wise. Just as important is the fact that the debate surrounding this change got to the heart of the matter: issuing driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants.

The current vehicle impound policy is extremely punitive and does not take into account our city’s demographic reality. Among other aspects, the change that was approved allows drivers to recover the car the next day, after showing proof of registration and insurance. This part alone increases road safety on the streets of Los Angeles.

Conceiving this change as a gesture of “humanity” and “compassion” toward a portion of society is praiseworthy. However, this is also a matter of safety.

Safety would also increase statewide if undocumented immigrants who demonstrate they are able to drive are issued driver’s licenses.

In this regard, we applaud local law enforcement officials, both Police Chief Charlie Beck as well as Sheriff Lee Baca, for supporting the idea of granting the privilege to drive to those who know how to do it, no matter their immigration status.

If the driver’s license issue were to be resolved in a reasonable way, the discussion about car impounds would be nonexistent. Issuing licenses, coupled with the LAPD’s policy change, would improve safety on California’s roads, because everyone would know who is behind the wheel.

Driver’s licenses will have to wait. But apparently, the abusive policy of impounding cars from the undocumented in Los Angeles is coming to an end.

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