Bring back the merienda!

Take a few minutes for an all-important midafternoon Break, no matter where you are.

Take a few minutes for an all-important midafternoon Break, no matter where you are.

Take a few minutes for an all-important midafternoon Break, no matter where you are. Crédito: beachboyx10 -

In my grandmother’s house, the merienda was a daily tradition. At 4 PM, the coffee was bubbling, the sugar and cream were out on the table, and the reposteria was ready to enjoy.

You might not have a full hour to linger over coffee anymore, but you can still pause to take a well-earned break in the middle of the day.

Busy people can still enjoy a moment for a merienda, even if they are out and about. The good news is that today, there are great portable drink and snack options that let you enjoy coffee and a little something sweet when you aren’t near a coffee machine or shop.

Instant coffee packets in single serving sizes allow you to brew a quick cup, and pre-wrapped little sweet treats like mini candy bars, or cookies are perfect when on your own! Plus, they help you control your portions.

It’s easier to set aside time and space for a little afternoon merienda, when you are at home. So make the most of the precious moments you have to take a break and reconnect with your culture. Go back to basics with a stove-top percolator or slowly simmer your coffee in a pot with a cinnamon stick.

For something more modem, try a homemade take on a coffee-shop style iced coffee. For your sweet treat, tum on the oven and tie on the apron! Ready-to-bake pastries give you homemade flavor in a fraction of the time. Or consider tackling some of your grandmother’s favorite recipes.

Getting a group together for an afternoon coffee break may make you the most popular co-worker around. Plus, the fun part of working with others is that you can share the responsibility of bringing goodies to work. Or, take up a collection and splurge on something special like multi-colored macaroons. You can even make a potluck out of it. After all, a cookie and coffee potluck is much more fun than a bunch of casseroles at lunch.

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