Empieza juicio histórico

Guatemala lleva ante la justicia a Efraín Ríos Montt

Guatemala's former dictator Jose Efrain Rios Montt, center, arrives in court to stand trial on genocide charges in Guatemala City, Tuesday, March 19, 2013. Prosecutors hope to painstakingly prove through a detailed recreation of the military chain of command that Gen. Efrain Rios Montt must have had knowledge of the massacres of Mayan Indians and others in the Guatemalan highlands during one of the bloodiest phases of the country's long civil war. Because he held absolute power over the U.S.-backed military government, his failure to stop the slaughter is proof of his guilt, prosecutors and lawyers for victims say. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo)

Guatemala's former dictator Jose Efrain Rios Montt, center, arrives in court to stand trial on genocide charges in Guatemala City, Tuesday, March 19, 2013. Prosecutors hope to painstakingly prove through a detailed recreation of the military chain of command that Gen. Efrain Rios Montt must have had knowledge of the massacres of Mayan Indians and others in the Guatemalan highlands during one of the bloodiest phases of the country's long civil war. Because he held absolute power over the U.S.-backed military government, his failure to stop the slaughter is proof of his guilt, prosecutors and lawyers for victims say. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo) Crédito: authors

Tras una larga espera de tres décadas, los guatemaltecos fueron testigos ayer de cómo el dictador Efraín Gómez Montt, fue sentado frente al banquillo de los acusados para responder por la muerte de por lo menos 1770 indígenas en la zona del Quiché, en maniobras del Ejército durante la guerra civil que azotó a ese país centroamericano.

“En este momento se declara abierto solemnemente el presente debate”, dijo la titular del Tribunal A de Mayor Riesgo, Yazmín Barrios, al inicio del juicio contra Ríos Montt, gobernante de facto entre 1982 y 1983.

Barrios dio lectura a la resolución contra los recursos legales interpuestos a última hora por la defensa y la estrategia del cambio de abogados defensores, que pretendían postergar la apertura del juicio.

Ríos Montt y José Mauricio Rodríguez Sánchez, también general retirado, de 67 años, exjefe de inteligencia y colaborador en el gobierno de facto, son protagonistas a partir de este día del primer juicio por genocidio en Guatemala.

En esta nota

genocidio juicio ríos montt
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