The benefits of vegetables: Why they are good for you


Crédito: LA NACION

As adults, we understand that there are numerous benefits to consuming vegetables. However, not everyone knows exactly what the benefits of vegetables are. Aside from just being good for us, vegetables go a long way to ensuring that we live a long, healthy life .

If you’ve ever given thought to good bone structure, maintaining a healthy heart, or warding off diseases such as diabetes or even the common cold, you may have associated these things with a diet rich in vegetables. Eating vegetables on a daily basis is necessary to become healthy and to stay healthy.

The benefits of vegetables

Bone health is directly affected by the abundance of nutrients found in vegetables, especially when recommended intakes are met during childhood years. People who consume regular amounts of vegetables throughout their lives have higher bone mass densities as they age, resulting in less bone breakage.

Since everyone has a heart, heart disease is something every person should be concerned about. Numerous public studies have found that green leafy vegetables and vegetables rich in vitamin C, such as broccoli, bell peppers, and cauliflower, provide the best protection against heart disease.

Other benefits of vegetables

– Eating jackfruit helps people with asthma and with cardiovascular and blood pressure issues. It is also beneficial to fighting fungal and general skin infections.

– Pumpkins are rich in carotenoids, which are known for keeping our immune systems healthy and strong. Pumpkins are also great for preventing cataract formations and cholesterol buildup, and for reducing the risk of macular degeneration.

– Dark green and delicious steamed or raw, broccoli is particularly rich in vitamin B9, which helps prevent heart disease. Its high persuasive nutritional value is known to fight cancer , and it is also beneficial to those who suffer bouts of constipation.

Are you wondering about the diabetic benefits of vegetables? Not only can you cut your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by increasing your daily intake of leafy greens, you can also help reduce blood and sugar levels by eating bitter gourd. A herbal medication for diabetes, bitter gourd is also beneficial for those with blood disorders, psoriasis, and fungal infections.

Vegetables are loaded with much-needed vitamins and nutrients such as B6, beta carotene, lutein, folate, zeaxanthin, and carotenoids. There are many simple things you can do to make sure you get the recommended daily intake of vegetables and enjoy all the benefits of vegetables.

Simple ways to add vegetables to your daily diet

– If you are a sandwich lover, stuff a mile-high pile of dark lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and any other vegetable you enjoy between two slices of bread.

– Try tossing your next pasta meal with steamed vegetables like carrots, onions, squash, chopped spinach, tomatoes, or broccoli, then top it with cheese.

– Top baked potatoes with a rich salsa or other vegetables.

– Begin your meals with a salad. You can start small and enjoy the benefits of vegetables with a plate of mixed greens and colorful vegetables.

– Instead of a soda or sports drink, reach for a bottle of tomato juice or a vegetable cocktail.

For the sake of good health, it is important that everyone in your family has their daily vegetable requirements met. With a little effort and a few simple changes, you will quickly be on your way to a fit, strong, and healthy life.

Photo source: Flickr

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