Stars of ‘Let’s Be Cops’ sing BSB and speak Spanish

It’s not every day that you can get actors Damon Wayans Jr. and Jake Johnson out of their comfort zone. And VOXXI did just that…

It’s not every day that you can get actors Damon Wayans Jr. and Jake Johnson out of their comfort zone.

And VOXXI did just that by making them sing the classic 2000 Backstreet Boys jam “I Want It That Way” and having them flaunt their Spanish-speaking skills.

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As “Let’s Be Cops” hits theaters August 13, VOXXI makes actors Damon Wayans Jr. and Jake Johnson step ouf of their comfort zone. (Photo: 20th Century Fox)

Out of every song, why BSB? You would have to hit the movie theaters on August 13 to catch their latest comedy “Let’s Be Cops” and find out.

In the anticipated film, “Justin” (Wayans) and “Ryan” (Johnson) are two 30-year-old friends who conquer the streets of Los Angeles, Calif. as pretend police officers.

The duo, who are known for being co-stars in the TV show “New Girl,” fessed to VOXXI that co-starring in film is a tad different than for television.

“It’s rated R. We get to swear and do a lot of improvisation,” said Wayans, 31. “And the action. There’s not a lot of shootouts in ‘New Girl,’” 36-year-old Johnson added.

The film, directed by Luke Greenfield, also stars Cuban-American actor Andy Garcia, whose role is as intimidating as it gets. However, the actors said he’s down-to-earth off-set.

Andy Garcia forms part of the hilarious film “Let’s Be Cops.” (Photo: 20th Century Fox)

“Andy is the best, he was really great to work with,” Johnson said. “We were so fired up when he decided to do this movie.”

Though Wayans agreed, his experience with the Latino actor was quite different.

“I met him inside the makeup trailer and he thought he was my father,” he said. He then looked at Johnson who was giving him a confused stare and Wayans said, “that really happened.”

Both stars even admitted that they went to eat at Cuban restaurant and the experience was “really fun.”

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The one-on-one with the stars wrapped up after the duo invited VOXXI readers to watch “Let’s Be Cops” by speaking Spanish. It took them some time, but they managed to get the message across.

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FIlm&TV impremedia interviews LatinosinHollywood
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