Court drops restraining order against Don Omar

Last month Don Omar was involved in a scandalous domestic abuse case, but it seems that the artist is getting a second chance after his…

Don Omar restraining order was removed after his girlfriend was nowhere to be found. (Twitter)

Last month Don Omar was involved in a scandalous domestic abuse case, but it seems that the artist is getting a second chance after his restraining order was lifted in court Wednesday because his girlfriend failed to appear in court.

The singer was arrested last month in a neighborhood of Vega Alta, Puerto Rico for allegedly threatening his girlfriend. He was released on $600,000 bond local authorities told Puerto Rican newspaper “El Nuevo Día.”

Don Omar was charged with two counts of threatening a person and two counts of weapons violations. The singer was supposed to appear on Oct. 14. but the case was postponed for the second time, and now it has been put on the court docket for Nov. 5th.

SEE ALSO: Don Omar arrested for allegedly assaulting girlfriend

Univision Puerto Rico reported that it was rumored that his girlfriend Rebeca Lopez decided to drop  charges of domestic abuse after she received $ 350,000 and a bus in return. A bus you ask? Yes, a bus.

Lopez posted an open letter last month forgiving Don Omar for the alleged beating on her Facebook page.

“I feel too much pressure, and I can’t bear what this has turned into. At least I can’t allow that any harm be done to the person I love, and much less interfere with his career. We all make mistakes; I only have forgiveness inside of me.

“At this moment, where it’s clear to me that my emotional wellbeing is greatly affected, I’d like to do the responsible thing with myself and take time to recover and find myself, away from everyone and everything.” lopez said on Facebook.

And the singer wrote in return:

“I hold no grudges in my heart, forgiveness is the basic element for love. We will see each other again and a hug will seal this lamentable incident.”

No existe rencor en el corazón, el perdón es elemento básico para el amor. Nos volveremos a ver y un abrazo sellará este suceso lamentable.

— DON OMAR (@DONOMAR) September 22, 2014

SEE ALSO: Oh geez! Don Omar has a World Cup song too

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