J.Balvin wears red lipstick in support of abused women
Navigating the the Internet and coming across a photo of J.Balvin wearing bright red lipstick leaves a lot to the imagination. Little did you know…
J. Balvin and people on the Internet raise awareness for abused women by flaunting red lips on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. (Photo by C Flanigan/Getty Images)
Navigating the the Internet and coming across a photo of J.Balvin wearing bright red lipstick leaves a lot to the imagination. Little did you know that he’s puckering up for a good cause benefitting women and girls all over the world.
The Colombian urban star posted a selfie of him in nothing but red lipstick Tuesday morning to raise awareness for abused women and girls.
SEE ALSO: Latin America celebrates Womens Day, but violence is still a problem
His caption was straight to the point, bringing to the forefront the global situation.
“Today is the international day for the elimination of violence against women. So wear red lipstick to show awareness,” the Latin GRAMMY nominee posted on Instagram, receiving over 50,000 likes.
Indeed, November 25th marks International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

J. Balvin raises awareness for abused women and girls by flaunting red lips. (Photo: Instagram/@JBalvin)
From the 25th to Human Rights Day on December 10th, the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign is a time to galvanize action to end violence against women and girls around the world.
SEE ALSO: Benicio Del Toro and other actors take action against sexual abuse
The United Nations reports that 35 percent of women and girls globally experience some form of physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime with up to seven in ten women facing this abuse in some countries.
In hopes to raise awareness, Colombian actress Alejandra Borrero began a movement on social media using the hashtags #PorLasMujeres and #NiConElPetaloDeUnaRosa, where women and men are encouraged to wear red lipstick and share their photos on social media.
Twitter jumps on board #PorLaMujeres | #NiConElPetaloDeUnaRosa
#PorLasMujeres encuéntrate mañana a las 11 a.m., con @alejaoficial que se toma nuestras redes sociales en @ALOdigital pic.twitter.com/7WXuMmq4dd
Revista ALÓ (@ALOdigital) November 25, 2014
Hoy @alantacher @johnnylozada y @WilliamValdes se unen a la campaña #PorLasMujeres en contra de violencia doméstica pic.twitter.com/Jc5u26VhRB
DespiertaAmeric (@DespiertaAmeric) November 25, 2014
¡Hoy píntate los labios #PorLasMujeres! http://t.co/rnhKtUqtiN pic.twitter.com/O6YrWhLzuX
EL TIEMPO (@ELTIEMPO) November 25, 2014
#MujerQueSeRespeta ! @danielFM7 @joannabolona @ChapitaLaZona y @mariellymc ya se unieron a #PorLasMujeres ! pic.twitter.com/2F7oQKAuff
Studio92 (@Studio92) November 25, 2014
#PorLasMujeres me pinto los labios de Rojo. ¡NO MAS MALTRATO A LA MUJER! #NiConElPetaloDeUnaRosa pic.twitter.com/QcmEQpF1XF
Porque vivo con 2 mujeres hermosas a las que amo y respeto. Por mis amigas #PorLasMujeres #NiConElPetaloDeUnaRosa pic.twitter.com/YMYY3VlvlG
Diego Briceño (@diego_briceno) November 25, 2014