Immigration’s dilemma
National security has always been a cornerstone of the conservative philosophy that is, until the subject of immigration comes up. When that happens, many of the Republicans’ deeply entrenched values and convictions seem to be clouded.
Today’s issue is the federal budget, which needs to be approved by December 11th in order to keep the government running. The idea of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, is a spending bill that will fund 11 of the 12 federal agencies until next September. Unlike the rest, the Department of Homeland Security would be funded for several months but only through March. The goal is to be able to fight with President Obama over the funding of his executive order on immigration, which expands the deferred deportation order.
The lack of a long-term budget will harm plans for a new detention center and some aspects of border security, according to Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson
So they prefer rejecting Obama’s order even though it impairs the security budget and helps keep in the dark millions of people whose whereabouts are unknown. That would really compromise safety.
However, as in other areas, the immigration issue seems to put the most ingrained conservative convictions in disarray.
Family values are another example of how it’s possible to believe in the most traditional family ideals while at the same time favoring the separation of parents and children. It is also possible to be a sworn enemy of unions while cheering enthusiastically the union of the Border Patrol’s members.
Worst of all, with all its drawbacks, Boehner’s proposal is seen as too moderate for the hardliners. It well may be the rage the Speaker incites among republicans. What’s clear is that immigration is an emotional issue for Republicans today, which is leading to basic contradictions and prevents them from seeing clearly. This dynamic does not bode well for the next Congress