Editorial: 100 Days Lost
President Trump took to Washington the divisive and provocative character of his campaign

El presidente Donald Trump. Crédito: Getty Images
The first 100 days of the Trump Administration have revealed the leader’s incapacity to work with Congress, a lack of interest for being more inclusive and a loss for the average American.
President Donald Trump won the election with an extremist agenda and without the support of the majority of voters. From the White House, he had the chance to work around the differences and govern for everyone. However, he did the opposite: He brought the divisive and inflammatory personality he showed throughout the campaign with him.
Today, the Administration brags about being one of the most productive in history in its first 100 days. This exaggerated and dubious statement has the same tone as his actions.
Trump has promoted an estimated 28 laws since he took office. Five of them appointed staff members, 4 acknowledge war veterans, 3 modify existing programs, 2 encourage innovation in federal agencies and one extends a government policy.
The case of 13 of these laws is special because they originate in a 1996 law – applied only once until this year – that grants Congress 60 days to annul the regulations created by the previous administration.
In this unconventional manner, Trump has signed measures that take protections away from consumers, workers, retirees, people with savings, nature, the air, water and science, among others.
The only point of agreement between the Republican Executive and Legislative branches is the desire to destroy Obama’s legacy in favor of corporate interests.
When the time has come to build, he has failed resoundingly, as was the case with the Affordable Care Act repeal. At that moment, Trump saw that his “art of the deal” is useless when applied to content and principles.
Elevating Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court was Trump’s best moment, and it is already an important part of his legacy. Yet again, when it comes to reaching consensus, the GOP Senate ended up modifying a rule to get Gorsuch appointed.
President Trump is not known for his thoughtfulness. Judging from what we know about his personality, he is probably convinced that his work so far deserves an A, as he has said before. In reality, he has failed to show the aptitude to govern in a constructive, positive and meaningful manner for everyone.