Sexting: How to talk to teens about cell phone usage

Make a statement about using electronic media in safe, courteous ways.

One simple text message can ruin plans in just a few seconds.

One simple text message can ruin plans in just a few seconds. Crédito: Shutterstock

Every teen wants a cell phone. However, with the privilege of a cell phone comes responsibility. Before handing a phone to your teen, talk about proper use of the phone. This includes discussing the dangers of sexting, or sending provocative photographs, video clips, or text messages.

Teens will experiment

You can’t stop teens from making discoveries about their sexuality, but you can explain that private images and information should not be shared. To make the point clear, let your children know that anything that is sent on a cell phone can be seen by the cell phone service provider, the police, and ultimately, you.

If that doesn’t catch their attention, remind them that after they send a message, they don’t know if the recipient will forward the sexy message or lose the phone, leaving a complete stranger to find the graphic images or words.

Sexting has led to teens being fired from part-time jobs, being kicked off athletic teams, losing scholarships, and being reprimanded by school authorities. One simple text message can ruin plans in just a few seconds.

Using safeguards

If you suspect your teen of sending sexual messages, or have found evidence of it, your child could be breaking the law. Simply forwarding a nude photo of an underage individual is possession and distribution of child pornography, which is illegal.

Talk with your cell phone service provider about disabling the text messaging feature so that the phone can be used only to place calls. If the child was issued the phone to stay in touch with family members and friends, the electronic device still fills that need.

Don’t assume that a teacher, guidance counselor, or other mentor will talk to your child about the dangers of sending sexual messages on a cell phone. Be proactive. Make a statement about using electronic media -cell phones, computers, laptops, tablets- in safe, courteous ways.

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