Our endorsements

Next Tuesday Los Angeles voters face an important primary election that will chart the city’s course over the next decade.

Various candidates aspire to be our city’s next mayor, as well as to occupy seven City Council positions. There are also three spots being contested on the Los Angeles Unified Board of Education, which will determine the immediate future of school reform.

These are our recommendations.

Mayor: Eric Garcetti

The former City Council president has a plan to create jobs by taking advantage of the many industries active in Los Angeles, including manufacturing, tourism, trade, and entertainment. Garcetti’s experience in city government, along with his job creation plans, represent a combination with the potential to spark an economic resurgence on a solid foundation. He has all the qualities to be a modern, efficient leader, who knows how to build consensus while standing firm when necessary.

City Attorney: Mike Feuer

The City Attorney’s Office needs a change. It needs someone with a great deal of experience in various legal areas, with proven positive leadership capacity and sensitivity to social issues. And this must be someone who really wants the job, not a second choice like current City Attorney Carmen Trutanich.

Controller: Ron Galperin

He combines experience in the private sector, his efficiency and revenue work on city commissions, and his work on neighborhood councils and social initiatives. This gives Galperin a unique profile for this position.

District 1: Gil Cedillo

The district will be the great beneficiary of the tenacity demonstrated by Gil Cedillo in the State legislature. He has the potential to build coalitions among his broad and varied supporters for the good of the district’s residents. Cedillo brings a unique offer to the table in terms of leadership and experience.

District 7: Felipe Fuentes

Fuentes stands out because he has demonstrated over his career that he has what it takes to improve the district.

District 9: Ana Cubas

Her background lends credibility to her vision of development for the district. Cubas is capable of moving projects forward for the good of the residents thanks to her long track record in local government and her knowledge.

District 13: Matt Szabo

Szabo has direct knowledge of the budget challenges facing the city, having served as Deputy Mayor until last July. Szabo’s plan targets public transportation, protection and development of affordable housing, and public safety.

District 2 (LAUSD: Monica Garcia

She is key for continuing down the current path to improving the public schools. García has proven leadership and commitment in seeking alternatives and providing options to parents faced with students’ low academic performance.

District 4 (LAUSD): Kate Anderson

Anderson is the right response to the disappointing performance by Steve Zimmer. She wants to promote teacher accountability for student learning, open school options for parents, and keep a critical eye on charter school performance.

District 6 (LAUSD): Antonio Sanchez

Sánchez is the only candidate for the post who unwaveringly supports the reform agenda of school Superintendent John Deasy. He has the unusual support of UTLA and the Coalition for School Reform, placing him in a good position to build coalitions, something very necessary on a divided board.

Measure A: No

City authorities need more creative ways to resolve the budget deficit than a sales tax hike. This regressive measure will increase the tax to 9.5%, giving Los Angeles the third highest sales tax in the country.

Charter Amendment B: Yes

The city passed a measure so police personnel from the Department of General Services could be transferred to the Los Angeles Police Department. This measure allows the transfer of benefits at the beneficiary’s expense.

En esta nota

LAUSD city council
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