
A special thanks to our readers

As we look back at our 100 years of reporting on Latino New York, we take stock of the unique lens we provide and the stories that motivates us each day. The success of El Diario/La Prensa, however, has little to do with us, and everything to do with the people we serve.

Even though we are located in the Big Apple, we are a community of Latinos from all parts of the world. Here in New York, we live, we strive and we succeed together.

So where would we be without you? We definitely would not be celebrating one hundred years of entertaining, educating and informing our community. Without all of you, we would not be able to rejoice with pride during this huge milestone.

We are very grateful to all of those who constitute our loyal community of readers, to those who are not here with us today but remain part of our history… And to those who continue to be faithfully connected to the paper and the new platforms that allow us to grow.

We thank those who write thought-provoking letters and e-mails, whether it is to ask for help, offer a compliment or criticize our work. The feedback is motivating, regardless of the intentions.

To those Latinos who work in the Empire State Building, to those who open our doors, drive taxis, make our lunch, serve us, clean, take care of children…we thank you and your families.

We are the “Champion of Hispanics” because of you, your parents and grandparents and all the brave immigrants who made the decision to leave our homelands to live and make history here.

To all those who read El Diario/La Prensa and continue to support us and will continue doing so for years to come — thank you!

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