The immigration farce

If someone got excited thinking that the Republicans’ principles on immigration that the House of Representatives presented would help pass a reform, Speaker John Boehner already dashed those hopes, blaming President Obama for the problems.

The White House and Democratic lawmakers have done everything possible in recent days to avoid criticizing, in order to help Republican caucus leaders move forward the reform among conservatives and Tea Party supporters.

But that was not enough. Boehner and former vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan blamed President Obama for not being able to advance the bill. Both lawmakers refuse to recognize that within their party’s ranks, there is rabid opposition to a bill that has the support of a majority of Americans as well as the business sector.

They would rather hold Obama responsible for their caucus’ decision to use what is left of the year to repeatedly keep harping on Obamacare with the goal of getting brownie points for the November elections, instead of focusing their attention on urgent issues. That is a decision openly in favor of demagoguery.

Therefore, they have conveniently decided in advance that the president cannot be trusted with implementing laws, especially immigration ones. According to this line of reasoning, what is the point of approving them?

That way of thinking must anger the immigrant community, who for years has suffered through millions of deportations under the Obama administration. It seems like a cruel joke. Using an excuse like that one to avoid working on immigration reform shows monumental insensitivity on the part of the Republican caucus.

The journey of the House majority when it comes to immigration so far has been a farce. A ploy that seems to finish the same way that cheaters end up—blaming others to justify their own decisions.

En esta nota

republicans Boehner
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