Make your voice heard and vote!

Today, voters will decide on major races, like the next sheriff of Los Angeles, two members of the County Board of Supervisors and several statewide positions.

This is an open primary, in which the two candidates with the most votes will move on to a runoff, regardless of their party affiliation. The following are our recommendations:

Governor: Jerry Brown, Jr.

GovernorJerry Brown, Jr. has done an extraordinary job in terms of stabilizing state finances. His education initiative focuses attention on English learners; he signedthe bill granting driver’s licenses to the undocumented and theTrust Act. Brown deserves reelection.

Lieutenant Governor: Gavin Newsom

The post of lieutenant governor does not have many significant duties beyond being ready to replace the governor immediately in the event of death of disability. Of all the aspirants to the post, Newsom is the only one ready to so do.

State Attorney General: Kamala Harris

Attorney General Kamala Harris has been active in defending homeowners in the mortgage crisis and in fighting transnational gangs. She deserves to be reelected.

Treasurer: John Chiang

John Chiang performed an important job as State Controller during the economic crisis, overseeing the use of funds and maintaining priorities in state payments. When it was time to make hard decisions, he did not hesitate to act for the good of California taxpayers.

Controller: John Pérez

With his leadership, Assembly Member John Pérez played a key role in balancing three consecutive state budgetsand developing a reserve fund for emergencies. At the same time, his deep legislative knowledge will help him promote measures with greater success than his rivals.

Secretary of State: Alex Padilla

The Democratic state senator combines the knowledge and analytical judgment of an engineer for technological matters. He has also presented measures aimed at more strictly regulating the influence of money in Sacramento.

Superintendent of P. Instruction: M. Tuck

Marshall Tuck is committed to making student learning and parental involvementthe priority above all interests surrounding education.

Insurance Commissioner: Dave Jones

Commissioner Jones has generally fulfilled the post’s main mission of protecting consumers. He remains the best candidate to continue this work among his rivals.

Proposition 41: Yes

The measure will help California, and Los Angeles in particular, end its tenure as the capital of homeless veterans. It grants existing funds so that those who served in the armed forces do not have to live in the street.

Proposition 42: Yes

The initiative requires all local agencies to comply with two laws: the California Public Records Act and the Ralph M. Brown Act, which guarantee a person’s right to inspect public records and attend public meetings.

Supervisor District 1: Hilda Solís

Solís has vast experience as a lawmaker at various levels of government in addition to her tenure as U.S. Secretary of Labor. She knows how bureaucracies work and strategies in legislatures that can benefit the district. She offers knowledge and a special sensibility with respect to the large and diverse immigrant community living in the district.

Los AngelesSheriff: Jim McDonnell

McDonnell is the only candidate who does not currently serve in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, representing a refreshing change after so many problems in the county agency. He has the experience and the knowledge to do a good job.

LAUSD District 1: George McKenna

McKenna’s election will bring the School Board a healthy dose of pragmatism based on his vast experience at various levels ofK-12 education. He has a very clear vision that his priority isto help educate children with fewer means and more needs.

En esta nota

#LosÁngeles California primary
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