
A Breach with the NYPD

The breach between the New York police and its main chief, Mayor Bill de Blasio, is still open. A similar breach separates the NYPD from the society it’s serving. The heckling and back-turning of some cops against the mayor show that the division between the police and society is not only racial. Mistrust grows when the police seem more worried about protecting some interests than about better serving the city and its residents.

The gap between the two cities – rich and poor, white and minorities- that the mayor vowed to reduce, is wide open again, pushed by those who are partly responsible for closing it.

Only trust and an open collaboration can help overcome such tragedies as the killings of officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu. The mayor warned the new officers in their graduation day: “You will confront all the problems that plague our society. Problems you didn’t create.” De Blasio aimed to heal the wounds.

Some in the Police are going too far in a demand for respect that should be extended to all residents.

The attitude of some people contrasts with that of the leader of Latino officers, Anthony Miranda, who judiciously reminded that “There is a time and place for everything.”

When cops turn their backs on the mayor and heckle he who has been elected to run the city by its citizens, they need to have compelling and transparent reasons.

It’s time to heal the wounds after the Garner case and the deaths of the two officers. Commissioner Bill Bratton has a huge challenge ahead of him in improving the police and its relations with the administration and the community.

Anti-police protesters need to be respectful, officers need to fulfill their duty and serve the citizens while respecting everybody, and the mayor needs to close the wounds after some unfortunate comments, so the NYPD can work for all of us

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