Spiderman swings into action in the Marvel universe

Captain America, Black Widow and Thor will soon have yet another hero by their side to help fight against the forces of evil. The Avengers…

Captain America, Black Widow and Thor will soon have yet another hero by their side to help fight against the forces of evil (Shutterstock)

Captain America, Black Widow and Thor will soon have yet another hero by their side to help fight against the forces of evil. The Avengers will be joined by Spiderman in the next Marvel franchise movie and it’s already creating waves.

A deal was struck between Sony Pictures Entertainment and Marvel/Disney, the studios announced late Monday. The deal doesn’t mean Sony Pictures will be giving up the film rights to the character though.

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After his Marvel debut Sony will then release the next installment of its own $401 billion Spider-Man franchise. The terms of the contract mean that other Marvel favorites may be popping up in those films too.

The Avengers will be joined by Spiderman in the next Marvel franchise movie and it’s already creating waves.

The Avengers will be joined by Spiderman in the next Marvel franchise movie and it’s already creating waves. (Shutterstock)

Spider-Man has been part of Marvel’s world for more than 50 years and this new deal puts an end to years of speculation as to whether Peter Parker would ever join the other Marvel superheroes on the big screen.

“Spider-Man is one of Marvel’s great characters, beloved around the world,” said Bob Iger, chairman and CEO of The Walt Disney Company, which owns Marvel Entertainment.

“We’re thrilled to work with Sony Pictures to bring the iconic web-slinger into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which opens up fantastic new opportunities for storytelling and franchise building.”

Rumors of Spider-Man and the Avengers joining forces have been circulating in the past months, aided by none other than Marvel godfather Stan Lee, who hinted as recently as early December that something was brewing.

Days later, as the Sony cyberattack was unfolding, it was suggested that Spidey might appear in Captain America: Civil War — which would only make sense, since Peter Parker is a major figure in the comic book upon which it will be loosely based.

The Avengers will be joined by Spiderman in the next Marvel franchise movie and it’s already creating waves.

Andrew Garfield attends the Germany premiere of ”The Amazing Spider-Man”. (Shutterstock)

It’s not clear who’ll play Spider-Man in his first Marvel Cinematic Universe appearance but we do know that it will thankfully not be Andrew Garfield. As charming as he is, suave British man doesn’t exactly suit the role of awkward and shy Peter Parker or brave, crime-fighting superhero.

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This clash of comic book universes will appear in an as-of-yet undisclosed Disney/Marvel film, while a standalone Spidey movie will stay at Sony.

Amy Pascal, who oversaw the franchise for 13 years before stepping down last week as co-chair of Sony, will co-produce the standalone Spider-Man film with Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige, which will be released in theaters July 2017.

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Disney FIlm&TV impremedia marvel Sony
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