Gana unos dólares extras paleando la nieve en la ciudad

La Alcaldía de Nueva York busca paleadores adicionales para limpiar la nieve que dejó la tormenta Jonas.

Los trabajadores ganarán $13.50 por hora por las primeras 40 horas. Después su salario aumentará a $20.25 por hora.


“Es una de las peores tormentas en la historia de la Nueva York, y necesitamos todas las manos para salir de la nieve”, dijo De Blasio.

La Ciudad busca paleadores de nieve.
La Ciudad busca paleadores de nieve.

Si te interesa el trabajo debes registrarte en depósitos del Departamento de Limpieza. Debes traer los siguientes los documentos:

  • Dos pequeñas fotos cuadradas (1 1/2)
  • Original y copia de documento de identificación.
  • Tarjeta de seguro social o Tax ID Number (ITIN)

También es importante que estés preparado para tareas físicas de alto rendimiento.

La siguiente es la lista de centros para registrarse, los horarios de atención son de 7 a.m. a 3 p.m.:


Bronx 1
680 East 132nd St.
Willow Ave. & Bruckner Expressway

Bronx 2
650 Casanova St.
Randall & Spofford Ave.

Bronx 3
680 East 132nd St.
Willow Ave. & Bruckner Expressway

Bronx 4
720 East 132nd St.
Willow Ave. & Bruckner Expressway

Bronx 5
1331 Cromwell Ave.
West 168th & West 169th St.

Bronx 6
800 East 176th St.
Prospect & Marmion Ave.

Bronx 7
423 West 215th St.
9th & 10th Ave.

Bronx 8
423 West 215th St.
9th & 10th Ave.

Bronx 9
850 Zerega Ave.
Hermany & Lafayette Ave.

Bronx 10
850 Zerega Ave.
Hermany & Lafayette Ave.

Bronx 11
800 Zerega Ave.
Hermany & Lafayette Ave.

Bronx 12
1635 East 233rd St.
Provost Ave. & East 233rd St.

Brooklyn North

Brooklyn 1
161 Varick Ave.
Scholes and Stagg St.

Brooklyn 2
465 Hamilton Ave.
2nd Ave. & 14th St.

Brooklyn 3
525 Johnson Ave.
Varick Ave. & Stewart Ave.

Brooklyn 4
161 Varick Ave.
Scholes and Stagg St.

Brooklyn 5
606 Milford St.
Cozine & Flatlands Ave.

Brooklyn 8
1755 Atlantic Ave.
Atlantic & Schenectady Ave.

Brooklyn 9
690 New York Ave.
Winthrop St. & Parkside Ave.

Brooklyn 16
922 Georgia Ave.
Wortman & Cozine Ave.

Brooklyn 17
105-02 Ave. D
105th & Bank St.

Brooklyn South

Brooklyn 6
127 2nd Ave.
11th & 12th St.

Brooklyn 7
5100 1st Ave.
51st & 52nd St.

Brooklyn 10
5100 1st Ave.
51st & 52nd St.

Brooklyn 11
1824 Shore Pkwy.
Bay 41st St. & 26th Ave.

Brooklyn 12
5602 19th Ave.
55th & 58th St.

Brooklyn 13
2012 Neptune Ave.
West 20th & 21st St.

Brooklyn 14
1397 Ralph Ave.
Chase Ct. & Ditmas Ave.

Brooklyn 15
2501 Knapp Street
Ave. Z & Voorhies Ave

Brooklyn 15—49th Street
1750 East 49th Street
Ave. N & East 49th Street

Brooklyn 18
105-01 Foster Ave.
Ave. D & Foster Ave.


Manhattan 1
South St. Pier 36
Montgomery & Jefferson St.

Manhattan 2
353 Spring Street
at West Street

Manhattan 3
South St. Pier 36
Montgomery & Jefferson St.

Manhattan 4
650 West 57th St.
11th & 12th Ave.

Manhattan 5
2 Bloomfield St.
West St. & Hudson River

Manhattan 6
606 West 30th St.
11th & 12th Ave.

Manhattan 7
650 West 57th Street
11th & 12th Ave.

Manhattan 8
4036 9th Ave.
9th Ave & 216th St.

Manhattan 9
125 East 149th St.
Bronx Gerard Ave. & Walton Ave.

Manhattan 10
110 East 131st St.
Lexington & Park Ave.

Manhattan 11
343 East 99th St.
1st & 2nd Ave.

Manhattan 12
301 West 215th St.
9th Ave. & Harlem River

Queens West

Queens 1
34-28 21st St.
34th & 35th Ave.

Queens 2
52-35 58th St.
53rd Ave. East of 58th St.

Queens 3
52-35 58th St.
53rd Ave. East of 58th St.

Queens 4
52-35 58th St.
53rd Ave. East of 58th St.

Queens 5
48-01 58th Rd.
Maspeth Ave. & 47th St.

Queens 6
58-73 53rd Ave.
53rd Ave. East of 58th St.

Queens 9
132-05 Atlantic Ave.
Van Wyck Expy. & 132nd St.

Queens East

Queens 7
120-15 31st Ave.
College Point Blvd. & 122nd St.

Queens 8
130-23 150th Ave.
130th & 131st St.

Queens 10
130-23 150th Ave.
130th & 131st St.

Queens 11
75-5 Winchester Blvd.
Grand Central Pkwy. & Union Turnpike

Queens 12
130-23 150th Ave.
130th & 131st St.

Queens 13
153-67 146th Ave.
153rd La. & 153rd Ct.

Queens 14
51-10 Almeda Avenue
Almeda & Barbadoes Dr.

Staten Island

Staten Island 1
539 Jersey St.
Victory Blvd. & Brook St.

Staten Island 2
2500 Richmond Ave.
Opposite from SI Mall

Staten Island 3
1000 West Service Rd.
Arthur Kill Rd. / West Shore Expy. (Route 440)

En esta nota

Empleo NYC Tormenta Jonas
Contenido Patrocinado
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