Un trágico accidente le quitó la vida a River, el hijo de tres años del cantante Granger Smith

El músico compartió la mala noticia en Instagram

River was three years old when a tragic accident ended his life. The child drowned in his house. Granger Smith shared the unfortunate news through their social networks. 

The country music singer assured that the doctors did not manage to revive his son. 

Through Instagram, the singer shared an image in which he appears with his son River. In the post he shared the following words: “I have to deliver unthinkable news, we have lost our youngest son, River Kelly Smith, a tragic accident and, despite the efforts of the doctor, could not be revived.”

“Amber and I made the decision to say goodbye for the last time and donate their organs so that other children have a second chance in life. Our family is devastated and disconsolate, but we are proud to know that he is with the Heavenly Father, “the musician added. 

As reported by La Botana, the musician and his wife have requested that instead of bringing flowers to their son, the interested parties better donate to “Dell Children’s Medical Center” on behalf of River.

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#Espectáculos Entretenimiento gente famosa el espectáculo river
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