EN VIDEO: El impacto del huracán Matthew en Florida
El fenómeno categoría 3 continúa golpeando hoy la costa noreste del estado con vientos máximos de 120 millas por hora
El huracán Matthew se encuentra al este del estado de Florida con vientos sostenidos de 120 mph.
Al momento, la cadena ABC News ha reportado un muerto en la zona a consecuencia de los efectos del huracán categoría 3.
A continuación puedes ver varios videos que se han compartido a través de las redes sociales:
The roof just ripped off the house we are next to. That was one strong wind gust. Cape Canaveral, FL @TheWeatherNetUS @StormhunterTWN pic.twitter.com/HIPUiF6ceP
— Jaclyn Whittal (@jwhittalTWN) October 7, 2016
Dramatic video shows burning home in Satellite Beach, Florida due to downed power line. Fire crews have no water. https://t.co/yQc2Mv8QRd pic.twitter.com/tMimGqvlX6
— CNN (@CNN) October 7, 2016
#HurricaneMatthew river storm surge strikes Douglas Park in Indialantic @Florida_Today #Brevard pic.twitter.com/WGDoy8KBYI
— Rick Neale (@RickNeale1) October 7, 2016
Power lines seen exploding on Merritt Island, Florida, as Hurricane #Matthew lingers just offshore https://t.co/TfwoW1M83Q pic.twitter.com/ACwodUs3d8
— CNN (@CNN) October 7, 2016
WATCH: Hurricane Matthew reaches Florida https://t.co/CGpqnpmVTp pic.twitter.com/3ACXEjPElS
— CNN International (@cnni) October 7, 2016
Wild video from South #DaytonaBeach. A reporter is battered by #HurricaneMathew. Hope she got inside safe right after this! #Florida #wcvb pic.twitter.com/1Jl8ZvU6Je
— Jenny Barron (@JennyWCVB) October 7, 2016
Scene right now in #DaytonaBeach, Florida as winds pick up during low tide. https://t.co/FFvOrgupbg @LelandVittert #HurricaneMatthew pic.twitter.com/3q6Y9NCAR5
— Fox News (@FoxNews) October 7, 2016
NEW: strongest winds, surge yet with Hurricane Matthew here in Daytona Beach, FL @breakingweather pic.twitter.com/5YgZcjjgSW
— Reed Timmer (@reedtimmerTVN) October 7, 2016
Getting strongest winds now in Daytona Beach. #HurricaneMatthew pic.twitter.com/K8IWRoZRB0
— Mike Lovecchio (@mikelovecchio) October 7, 2016