Change in LAUSD

The election of Richard Vladovic as president of the Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) signals a change in dynamics. It replaces a reformist, Monica Garcia, with someone who has been perceived as an ally of United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA).

As we have repeatedly said, what matters is not the people, but for student learning to really be the priority. Vladovic can maintain and expand changes already implemented that have been positive and raised the academic level of students. At the same time, he can explore other opportunities. However, it would be unacceptable to erase the accomplishments in various areas and allow a return to a not-so-distant past where the academic success of students was tacitly secondary to the labor issues of adults in LAUSD.

While it is true that everyone is innocent until proven otherwise, for the new president of the LAUSD board to be under investigation for alleged intimidation and sexual harassment of employees still leaves behind a bitter taste. This is not exactly the best background to lead a school board in a district that is already besieged by school scandals.

Nevertheless, we hope this new cycle in the School Board—after six years with Garcia at the helm—continues to focus on the concerns of parents, the vocation of teachers and the commitment of administrators to provide a quality education to the students of LAUSD. This requires a joint effort from all parties; otherwise, infighting will continue to be detrimental to students.

We believe, as Vladovic has said, that public education must be defended. But that does not mean only protecting an idea, principle or definition based on old concepts that has led to current problems. It involves exploring all the means necessary to have a free school system that produces graduates with knowledge to help them progress in their future studies.

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