5 family activities that will burn a few calories

Burn some calories trying fun activities in family.

Burn some calories trying funny activities in family.

Burn some calories trying funny activities in family. Crédito: Aurelia Ventura / La Opinión

After enjoying a family meal together, it’s easy to curl up on the couch and let the night slip away while watching television. Tonight, get active.

Make it a tradition to do family activities after dinner. These will burn a few calories and strengthen relationships, and you might even develop a new hobby.

1. Play in the yard

Grab the soccer ball and engage in an impromptu game or drills. Or, hand out rakes and start collecting the fall leaves. Whether you’re playing a game or cleaning up the yard, you can still have fun. Take time to try a few silly tricks with the ball, or jump in the pile of leaves. Don’t forget to keep a camera close by.

2. Go to a class aren’t just for singles. Call your local facility and learn what programs they have for families. You might be surprised to find out about family swim times or an all-ages, co-ed basketball team you can join as a group.

3. Ride a bike or sled

Be a kid again and take family bike rides or try sledding. Whether each person has his own bike, or Mom and Dad tackle a tandem bike, everyone will get exercise and enjoy the fresh air. When winter arrives, head to the nearest hills to test out a few sleds. Each week, plan to explore a new part of town or local nature trails to keep the activity interesting.

4. Walk the dog

Pets are members of the family too. After dinner, put a leash on the family dog and go for a short stroll around the neighborhood. You’ll have a chance to socialize with neighbors and teach the kids about pet responsibility.

5. Play video games

Choose a gaming system and games that encourage physical movement. Look for games that use motion-activated game controllers and balance boards. You can have a dance competition, learn to play virtual golf, or even become mythical creatures running through foreign lands. Head to the gaming store today for ideas!

Any family activities that encourage time together and movement will make a positive emotional and physical impact on the whole family. So what are you waiting for?

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