
The time for affirmative action

Today, the Supreme Court will discussed Michigan’s proposition 2 that prevents the consideration of race in the admission of students in the state university system. This decision could have national implications. A rule in favor of affirmative action would set a precedent that would make it more difficult for state and municipal educational systems to implement measures to limit access to Latinos and African Americans aspirants.

In New York City, during the recession, requests for the City University of New York (CUNY ) increased substantially, as families and college students went looking for more affordable options . In 2000, facing an increased number of applicants, CUNY responded by raising the minimum admission requirements. This led to a sharp decline in the number and percentage of first year African American and Latino students in CUNY’s major universities. The effects of these policies are most evident in the present.

So it is important that judges nullify such measures, considering the detrimental impact in the short and long term for minority students. Our communities cannot afford to keep losing ground, when as of now the options are limited.

Affirmative action programs have been criticized for being considered erroneously as “reverse discrimination”. When in reality if well applied, it takes into account circumstances and opportunities for students, who due to the nature of our society and history, cannot be ignored. There are many disadvantages in which many of our students start their educational development.

A diverse nation like ours improves itself to the extent that all its population, without distinction of race or color, can get access to achieve their goals, thanks to a college education.

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