
Gomez-Goldberg for Westchester Legislator

On Tuesday November 8th, Westchester residents will have the opportunity to bring new representatives to their Board of Legislators – the policy-making branch that decides on taxes and budgets for the county.

There are two Hispanic candidates running to replace Jose Alvarado, who for 10 years has been the legislator for District 17, a heavily Latino area within the city of Yonkers.

The race is between young Democratic leader Virginia Alvarado and long-time activist Republican Carmen Gomez-Goldberg -although Alvarado remains in the ballot under the Working Families Party and the Independent Party lines.

While we encourage young Latino leaders to run for public office, we believe Gomez-Goldberg is best suited to bring District 17 the resources it needs to progress.

Yonkers, the poorest area of the wealthy county, continues to struggle with the loss of affordable housing, cuts in public education funds, and public safety challenges.

Gomez-Goldberg is a long-time Yonkers resident and activist whose work has earned her wide bipartisan support. She possesses the experience to voice the interests of marginalized communities and also the political savvy to push an agenda on their behalf. And she bucks her party on positions that negatively impact Latinos.

After years of inaction from the exiting legislator and with so much as stake for Latinos of Yonkers, voters should back the candidate with the most experience. Come out and vote on Tuesday for Carmen Gomez-Goldberg.

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