
A lesson unlearned by Republicans

The Republican National Convention, which closes today, has done little, if anything, to help GOP nominee Mitt Romney improve his image among Latino voters.

The GOP’s harsh economic policies and hardlined approach to the millions of undocumented immigrants, who sustain communities across the country, continue to alienate the vast majority of Hispanics.

Despite the Romney campaign’s makeover attempts -TV ads and speeches peppered with Spanish, Latino surrogates and promises to reduce unemployment- here are some things you simply can’t dress up:

While it’s true that President Obama didn’t deliver immigration reform as he promised in his campaign, Republican lawmakers never helped him. Their idea of reform is persecuting and driving out undocumented families by making their lives as miserable as possible.

If the DREAM Act, which Romney doesn’t support, didn’t pass in 2010, after gathering key commitments it was because the GOP filibustered it.

We’re still waiting for a specific plan that Romney said he would offer to “replace” the Deferred Action that Obama issued by executive order to suspend the deportation of 1 million young undocumented immigrants.

The GOP’s proposals to balance the federal budget by slashing basic social services are also a threat to Latinos, whether native born or naturalized. It’s services like these that help so many families climb up the ladder. And it’s services like these that help families stay afloat in a community that is suffering a higher rate of unemployment.

So blaming Obama for the Latino unemployment and then turning around to say that you’re going to kick a leg under the same community you claim to defend just doesn’t wash.

This week, an ImpreMedia/Latino Decisions poll brought home how Republicans have undone past, effective outreach to Hispanics: years of hostility towards immigrants and Hispanics have deeply damaged the confidence Latinos have in a Republican option, even among GOP-affiliated Hispanics.

With two months to the presidential election, the Republican Party seems to be sacrificing the Latino vote. And Hispanic voters may pull back their welcome mat too.

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