Anxious parents, anxious kids: A potentially harmful cycle
If youre an anxious parent, chances are youre passing that onto your child. Wait before you worry, though: there are strategies for breaking that cycle.…
If youre an anxious parent, chances are youre passing that onto your child. Wait before you worry, though: there are strategies for breaking that cycle.
While its an almost perfect catch-22parents with anxiety issues realize that they may be teaching their children those same tendencies, which leads to more worrying on the parents parteducating yourself about how to empower your child is a good first step in avoiding that pattern.
Increasing Stress Levels
For a variety of reasons, including anxious parents, anxiety on the rise among children and teens.
SEE ALSO: 10 Tips to reduce your childs stress and anxiety
Psychology Today reports that anxiety has been steadily rising among youth for over a half century: according to their research, five to eight times as many high school and college students today experience high levels of anxiety and/or depression than did 50 years ago.
Those numbers are rising for adults, as well, with the National Institute of Mental Health reporting that 18 percent of American adults are affected by anxiety disorders each year.
Those who are parents, in turn, make it up to seven times more likely that their children will develop an anxiety disorder.
Theres no single reason for this increase in stress: while some people point to an extreme culture of safety-proofing in parenting, in particular, others blame everything from standardized testing to a poor economy to excessive scheduling of our supposed free time.
Passing on Habits
For some disorders, genetics make the difference.
Panic disorder, for instance, was the subject of a recent study published in the Journal of Neuroscience. Researchers discovered that the gene trkC was one factor in making children more susceptible to this anxiety disease.
Though specific genes have not been identified as the culprits for every anxiety disorder, its important to be aware of the danger a parents affliction may pose for a child.
On the other hand, many children dont get a specific diagnosis or disorder: they simply pick up on moms or dads anxiety and adopt certain facets of that behavior. Just like children learn innumerable other skills and habits, if they see their parents worrying, theyll become first-class worriers, too.