Avril Lavigne missing from public eye since September, cites health issues

Singer/ Songwriter Avril Lavigne has been missing from public view since September. The only information fans have been given is that “health issues” have kept the ‘Girlfriend’ singer away from the media, but rumors suggest the absence–and health issues–may have something to do with marriage trouble. “‘I feel bad because I haven’t been able to say anything to the fans to let them no why I’ve been absent,” Avril wrote in a direct message to AvrilMusicChart. “‘I’m not feeling well. I’m having some health issues. So please keep me in your prayers. (sic)” SEE ALSO: This works better than anything else for depression Though she responded to fan’s well-wishes towards her health, the singer did not further disclose what medical ailment she was suffering from. Though the most popular rumor on social media appears to be related to marriage issues, another popular gossip trend suggests the 30-year-old may be pregnant and having related complications. Though neither scenario has been given any credence by Lavigne or her husband, Nickelback singer Chad Kroeger, both could potentially explain why Avril has been staying out of the spotlight. Marriage issues can lead to depression, and according to the Mayo Clinic, depression can result in unexplained body aches and pains as well as changes in appetite, exhaustion and difficulty sleeping, among other things.  Pregnancy can also have a fair share of complications including hyperemisis gravidarum, a severe form of morning sickness the likes of which Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge suffered from. All these condition are just speculation, however. It is possible Avril is suffering from a medical condition the public has no previous knowledge of. At age 30, it isn’t uncommon for medical issues to start appearing. SEE ALSO: Morning sickness: Home remedies for the mom-to-be As for her marriage, Avril’s husband appears to be taking the rumors in stride. “You know my dad calls me up and he’s just like, ‘I haven’t slept in 2 days, what’s going on?’ I’m like, ‘Dad you’re not buying all this crap are you?’ You know, I get to hear all the rumor mill stuff. I find it very amusing,” he told ET Canada. “When you get out of high school, and it’s like ugh, okay. All that rumor crap. All that stuff that people say behind each other’s backs is minuscule, pales in comparison to the world of celebrity or being married to a celebrity. That’s high school multiplied exponentially,” he commented. “It’s ridiculous. How many times has Jennifer Aniston been pregnant this year? A dozen?”The post Avril Lavigne missing from public eye since September, cites health issues appeared first on Voxxi.

Avril Lavigne suffering from undisclosed health issue. (Photo by John Parra/Getty Images for Clear Channel)

Singer/ Songwriter Avril Lavigne has been missing from public view since September. The only information fans have been given is that “health issues” have kept the ‘Girlfriend’ singer away from the media, but rumors suggest the absence–and health issues–may have something to do with marriage trouble.

“‘I feel bad because I haven’t been able to say anything to the fans to let them no why I’ve been absent,” Avril wrote in a direct message to AvrilMusicChart. “‘I’m not feeling well. I’m having some health issues. So please keep me in your prayers. (sic)”

SEE ALSO: This works better than anything else for depression

Though she responded to fan’s well-wishes towards her health, the singer did not further disclose what medical ailment she was suffering from. Though the most popular rumor on social media appears to be related to marriage issues, another popular gossip trend suggests the 30-year-old may be pregnant and having related complications.

Though neither scenario has been given any credence by Lavigne or her husband, Nickelback singer Chad Kroeger, both could potentially explain why Avril has been staying out of the spotlight.

Marriage issues can lead to depression, and according to the Mayo Clinic, depression can result in unexplained body aches and pains as well as changes in appetite, exhaustion and difficulty sleeping, among other things.  Pregnancy can also have a fair share of complications including hyperemisis gravidarum, a severe form of morning sickness the likes of which Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge suffered from.

Woman feeling sad
Depression can be a side-effect of pregnancy or marital issues. (Shutterstock)

All these condition are just speculation, however. It is possible Avril is suffering from a medical condition the public has no previous knowledge of. At age 30, it isn’t uncommon for medical issues to start appearing.

SEE ALSO: Morning sickness: Home remedies for the mom-to-be

As for her marriage, Avril’s husband appears to be taking the rumors in stride. “You know my dad calls me up and he’s just like, ‘I haven’t slept in 2 days, what’s going on?’ I’m like, ‘Dad you’re not buying all this crap are you?’ You know, I get to hear all the rumor mill stuff. I find it very amusing,” he told ET Canada. “When you get out of high school, and it’s like ugh, okay. All that rumor crap. All that stuff that people say behind each other’s backs is minuscule, pales in comparison to the world of celebrity or being married to a celebrity. That’s high school multiplied exponentially,” he commented. “It’s ridiculous. How many times has Jennifer Aniston been pregnant this year? A dozen?”

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The post Avril Lavigne missing from public eye since September, cites health issues appeared first on Voxxi.

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