
It’s Time to Turn the Page

The head of the FBI, James Comey, said that he would not recommend charges against Hillary Clinton

On Tuesday, the FBI investigation on Hillary Clinton and her team’s use of a private server to store classified information while she was Secretary of State came to an end.

The head of the agency, James Comey, said that “we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charge” against Clinton and did not issue a recommendation to do so.

Thus, the long investigation started by a committee on the House of Representatives to debate the government’s behavior during the 2012 attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya, is closed. The inquiry found that top secret information had indeed been stored on private servers.

Comey’s recommendations are definitive, as Secretary of Justice Loretta Lynch – who would have made the final decision under different circumstances – said that she would accept his conclusions regardless of their content to prevent accusations of favoritism. Her statement came after it was known that she engaged in a private conversation with ex-President Bill Clinton, the candidate’s husband.

Critics who say that Comey is distorting the law by not taking Hillary Clinton to court ignore the fact that he is a professional who has repeatedly clashed with politicians to preserve his department’s integrity and independence, and that his conclusions are based on facts.

Although the investigation does not leave room for legal sequels, it is important to note its positive outcome. It reiterates that Clinton and her political interests are not above the law and that she cannot do as she pleases disregarding the limits imposed by the law and institutions, which exist to guarantee the balance of powers essential to a democratic society.

However, it is precisely in the name of preserving that system that the time has come to turn the page in the face of the battle that lies ahead against Donald Trump. The presumptive Republican candidate may win the election and become the worst U.S. president in history. The specter of his victory constitutes not only a threat to our country or even to Latinos alone, but to the rest of the world.

In the latest terrible gaffe of the Trump campaign, the mogul published an image of Clinton next to a Star of David superimposed on a backdrop of dollar bills supposedly symbolizing her “corruption.” The posting was taken from a neo-Nazi website. Once again, Trump is rousing the anti-Semitic individuals who have awaited the rise of such a tyrant.

As if it was necessary, the incident only reinforces the urgent need to stop Trump before it is too late.

Accordingly, now that this harsh – and fair – criticism of Hillary Clinton has been made, controversy must be set aside in order to move forward.

En esta nota

FBI Hillary Cinton

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